Groups speak out on Trump's anti-Muslim executive order
From press releases

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From a National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund press release:

Washington, DC, January 29, 2017—The National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund is releasing the following statement in response to President Donald Trump's latest Executive Order.

"Trump's latest Executive Order is religious hatred and thinly veiled racism by fiat. In the targeting of specific countries, he is telegraphing his despicable anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-people of color views; views that were so shocking and pervasive during the campaign. Let's be quite clear: this action is completely against core American values such as freedom of, and from, religion; it diminishes our stature as a global partner for humanitarianism by denying vulnerable refugee families some basic respite — solely on the basis of their faith. With this appalling display of anti-Muslim sentiment, Trump dehumanizes an entire faith and millions of people in the process, both abroad and here in the United States. We call upon our members to join us in standing for justice and freedom as we resist this massive attack on the core foundation of American freedoms. We must preserve, protect and defend these cherished freedoms by organizing within our local communities, marching, lobbying elected officials and speaking out," said Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund.

From Lambda Legal: LGBT People Refuse to be Pawns:

President Trump's Executive Order targeting immigrants includes the line: "In addition, the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred…or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation." In response, Lambda Legal CEO Rachel B. Tiven issued the following statement:

"LGBT people refuse to be pawns in Mr. Trump's dangerous and inhumane game. We utterly reject his discrimination against Muslims in the guise of concern trolling for LGBT rights. If he really wants to help LGBT people, he can pledge to retain the Executive Orders that help protect us and to nominate a Supreme Court justice who supports equal treatment of all regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity."

From The National Center for Lesbian Rights: Trump Order on Muslim Refugees is an Attack on American Values

(Washington D.C., January 27, 2017)— Today, the President signed an executive order that blocks any immigration relief to those coming to the U.S. from predominantly Muslim countries, suspended the refugee program that has saved the lives of thousands of displaced people, treats asylum seekers who are fleeing violence and persecution in their own countries as suspected threats to our national security, increases the use of costly and inhumane mandatory detention including for immigrants who have no record of criminal or violent behavior, and erodes state and local control of community policing.

Statement by NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell, Esq.:

"The announcement today represents a direct attack on our most cherished values as a nation. To single out Muslim persons for stigma and suspicion undermines our commitment to inclusion, religious freedom, and our common humanity. Today that Lady of Liberty, symbol of America's greatest promise to the world, hangs her head and weeps."

National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance Blasts Trump's Executive Order on Immigration

"Building a wall, constructing detention centers, and banning Muslims does not make us safer. These executive actions demonize and criminalize our communities."

January 26, The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) blasted Mr. Trump's executive orders calling them "detrimental to the interest of the American public - immigrants and citizens alike," according to Glenn D. Magpantay, NQAPIA's Executive Director.

Yesterday, January 25, 2017, Mr. Trump authorized spending U.S tax dollars on building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, notwithstanding that net migration from Mexico has decreased over the last 10 years. He decreed the creation of more detention centers, 5,000 additional border patrol agents, and a reinstatement of 287(g) that require local police enforcement of complicated federal immigration laws. His orders threaten to cut all federal funding from sanctuary cities and to reinstate Secure Communities, a deportation program that was

discontinued due to ineffectiveness and increased distrust among immigrant communities.

Today, January 26, 2017, NQAPIA is anticipating that Mr. Trump will fulfill his campaign promise of implementing a Muslim ban. For 30 days, individuals from Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, and Iran will be banned from entering the U.S., simply because they live in Muslim-majority countries. Individuals from these countries will be unable to receive visas, even if they are already approved, intend to seek asylum, or have family members in the U.S. For 120 days, no refugees from these same countries will be allowed to enter the U.S. The only exception will be refugees who are religious minorities in their countries - in other words, refugees who are not Muslim.

Sasha W., NQAPIA's Organizing Director, said, "Building a wall, constructing detention centers, and banning Muslims does not make us safer. Instead, these executive actions demonize and criminalize our communities. Trump campaigned on Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, anti-LGBT bigotry, misogyny, and ableism - not facts or policy. Our communities have already faced significant backlash during his campaign; now the hate violence is solidifying into federal policy."

In NQAPIA's #RedefineSecurity 2016 week of action, in the beginning stages of Mr. Trump's campaign, NQAPIA lifted up the stories of institutional Islamophobic and xenophobic hate violence against our LGBTQ API communities. We told the stories of an Indian transwoman harassed by immigration officials; of a Pakistani traveler being invasively examined by TSA, in her body and belongings; of a queer South Asian organizer whose home was raided; of a Bangladeshi traveler who has been on the "no-fly list" since she was a child.

Last year, in the midst of this national uptick in hate and vigilante violence, NQAPIA submitted a model guidance to the Department of Homeland Security, urging DHS to adopt protections against profiling on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, and religion. Instead, Mr. Trump is doing the opposite - he is choosing to embolden the white nationalist, Islamophobic, and xenophobic elements of his campaign.

Sasha W. concluded, "Mr. Trump is continuing to enact policies that simply do not work and that make our communities feel more unsafe in this country."

Earier related press release from TRUST Collective Chicago at the link: http:// Article Link Here .

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